Karine Ferri - TPMP, her stolen photos: Harassed, the host leaves Twitter

  Karine Ferri - Photocall of season 9 of the show "Danse avec les stars" (DALS) at TF1 headquarters in Boulogne-Billancourt on September 11, 2018. © Denis Guignebourg / Bestimage

Karine Ferri

  Karine Ferri - Photocall of season 9 of the show "Danse avec les stars" (DALS) at TF1 headquarters in Boulogne-Billancourt on September 11, 2018. © Denis Guignebourg / Bestimage
The famous TF1 host made the decision to close her Twitter account after pictures of her, banned from broadcasting, were unveiled in the show "Touch not to my post". Which has not been without consequences.

Camille Combal

  On October 31st, the program Touche pas à mon poste (C8) broadcast old stolen photos of the host - published at the time in the magazine Playboy and which had been banned from broadcast - on which she took poses lascivious. Touched to see her past resurrect as well, the pretty brunette sent a letter of formal notice to the chain, the production company and Cyril Hanouna for the exploitation of these photos. TF1 and Karine Ferri have also decided to seize the CSA.

  Si, pour la première chaîne d'Europe, "il s'agit là du dernier exemple d'une campagne de dénigrement et de harcèlement moral que la direction de Canal ne peut ignorer", pour Baba, "ils veulent faire du buzz autour de DALS parce que les audiences baissent". Deux points de vue bien différents...

  Et depuis, sur Twitter, les pro-Ferri et les pro-TPMP s'écharpent. Certains n'ont d'ailleurs pas hésité à s'en prendre directement à l'animatrice, lui reprochant de ne pas assumer ses photos et de s'en prendre à leur animateur préféré. C'est apparemment pour cela que la compagne de Yoann Gourcuff et maman de Maël (2 ans) et Claudia (3 mois) a donc fini par fermer son compte.

  En plus du soutien de TF1, Karine Ferri peut compter sur celui de Camille Combal, son acolyte de Danse avec les stars. L'ex-collègue de Cyril Hanouna a tweeté le 1er novembre : "Une grosse pensée pour ma @KarineFerri. Elle traverse un moment dur et je lui apporte tout mon soutien et toute mon amitié! Je t'aime et suis trop content de faire cette émission à tes côtés !" Ce qui lui vaut lui aussi d'être attaqué par les pro-TPMP.

  If, for the first channel in Europe, "this is the latest example of a campaign of denigration and moral harassment that the management of Canal can not ignore", for Baba, "they want to make a buzz around DALS because audiences are falling. " Two different points of view ...

  And since, on Twitter, the pro-Ferri and the pro-TPMP are loading. Some have not hesitated to go directly to the host, reproaching him for not taking his photos and to attack their favorite host. This is apparently why the companion Yoann Gourcuff and mother of Mael (2 years) and Claudia (3 months) has ended up closing his account.

  In addition to the support of TF1, Karine Ferri can count on that of Camille Combal, his sidekick Dance with the stars. Cyril Hanouna's ex-colleague tweeted on November 1: "A big thought for my @KarineFerri, she's going through a hard time and I give her all my support and my friendship! I love you and I'm too happy to do this show at your side! " Which is also worth it to be attacked by the pro-TPMP.

  C8 has officially apologized. The channel has therefore disengaged from its star host.

  As a reminder, these photos were made when Karine Ferri was only 18 years old and were, by court order, banned from broadcasting. Neither the Belgian press, nor websites nor a television program such as TPMP had the right to broadcast them following the court decision mentioned in the TF1 press release.
